Sunday, July 31, 2011

AIMA-Java 1.5.1-Chp15-Rewrite

All of the algorithms from Chapter 15 have been rewritten:
  • 15.4 Forward-Backward (3 implementations provided)
  • 15.6 Fixed-Lag-Smoothing 
  • 15.17 Particle-Filtering  
Added an Iterator interface and supporting methods to CategoricalDistribution and Factor. ProbabilityTable.Iterator removed getPostIterateValue() method from API due to not being general. Fixed Issue 63 - all compilation warnings have been resolved or suppressed where appropriate for now. Documentation clean up.



Monday, July 11, 2011

Michael Stampone officially Joins the Team

Michael has been doing great work updating the project's Javadoc and plans to do some games development (chess and checkers) possibly using JOGL to demonstrate some of the core algorithms. He now has commit privileges on the project.



Sunday, July 3, 2011

AIMA-Java 1.5.0-Chp13-and-14-Rewrite

This is the official release of the rewrite of the probability logic from Chapters 13 and 14 of AIMA3e. This includes rewrites for the following algorithms:
  • 14.9 Enumeration-Ask
  • 14.13 Prior-Sample
  • 14.14 Rejection-Sampling
  • 14.15 Likelihood-Weighting
  • 14.16 GIBBS-Ask
as well as the addition of:
  • 14.11 Elimination-Ask
A fix for Issue 66 is also included as well as some minor refactoring and documentation cleanup.

